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How to Brew Pour Over Decaf Coffee

Pour Your Heart Out

Coffee can come in many different shapes and forms. Some coffee lovers prefer to let the barista handle their brews, while others like to take their java into their own hands. For those seeking to do just that, we have the perfect brewing method for you: pour-over coffee! 

The origins of this chic and artisanal style of coffee actually go back to 1908, invented by Melitta Benz, a German entrepreneur. It fell out of favour for some time as Europe in the 1900s saw a lot of coffee moving and shaking along with the invention and popularization of scores of other brewing methods. But somewhat recently, the pour-over has come back into vogue, and for good reason! Pour over is fun, exciting, lets you feel like a true barista, and produces an aromatic, flavourful, and colorful coffee brew as a result. 

To prepare pour over you will need a few things, though! First, a proper pour-over device. These are usually ceramic items that can sit atop a coffee pot. You will also need some filters. 

There's some debate as to whether stainless steel mesh filters or paper filters are better. We won’t weigh in, but we will say that stainless steel filters have the benefit of allowing for a more flavourful and rich brewing and are also reusable. They are difficult to clean and are more expensive, though. Paper filters are quick, convenient, and cheap. They result in a lighter and less oily brew but you also need to keep buying more of them. Either way, both will contribute to some delicious coffee so no worries about that! There are also a few different filters on the market, but all of them also will contribute to a great cup of joe!

What you will need:

  • Your chosen pour-over filter
  • Your chosen paper or mesh filter
  • Your chosen coffee beans (decaf coffee beans work great!)
  • Filtered or purified water
  • A kettle, the gooseneck is the favored kettle for pour-over due to its finesse and control over water-pouring
  • A coffee pot

Step 1

Measure and grind your chosen beans. Go for a medium-coarse grind, feel free to go finer than one would for a cold brew or French Press. 

Step 2

Place your ceramic filter atop your coffee pot.

Step 3

Dampen your filter if you chose paper, or simply place your stainless steel filter.

Step 4

Place your beans and boil your water.

Step 5

Now it is time to pour. Pour in a counter-clockwise spiral working from inside the circle outwards. This initial pour should be short and quick because your beans will undergo a chemical reaction. This is called the coffee bloom and results in a release of fabulous aroma but also the grounds and water billowing upwards. If you pour continuously during the bloom, you will have a big mess on your hands! Wait for your grounds to subside before going in for a few more pours. Again pour from the inside out in a circular motion and make sure to pour on grounds that may be starting to build upon the sides. Do this until you have as much coffee in your pot as you’d like.

Step 6

Carefully remove your filter and enjoy some truly remarkable coffee, all made artisanally by you!

It’s all in the pour!

If you want to feel like a real coffee master then pour over coffee is the brewing method for you. Decaf coffee works great with pour-over and makes for a rich, delicious, and remarkably smooth cup of joe. So why not try some pour-over decaf today?